I love old books. One of my favorites is Handbook of Weatherlore from 1873. It is a compilation of weather sayings and folklore from many different countries.
Here are some excerpts I found interesting.
On cold:
"A kindly good Janiveer freezeth the pot by the feer (fire)."
"The blackest month in all the year, is the month of Janiveer."
On a mild January:
"If the grass grows in Janiveer, it grows the worse for it all the year."
"January blossoms fill no man's cellars." -Portugual
On a dry January:
"When January is dry, the farmer does not complain." -Rhone
"If January be dusty, we shall have to make our granaries of oak." -Italy (oak granaries due to the weight of the ensuing harvest.)
"If one but knew how good it were to eat a pullet in Janiveer, If he had twenty in a flock, He'd leave but one to go with the cock."
"When a woodpecker sings in January, keep your fodder till the morrow for it is a sign of snow or rain."
It was also believed that January weather could foretell the weather and events for the rest of the year. New Year's Day was the Feast of the Circumcision. If it falls on a Tuesday, "a stormie winter, a wet summer, a divers harvest, corne and fruite indifferent, yet hearbes in gardens shall not flourish, great sicknesse of men, women, and young children. Beasts shall hunger, starve and dye of the botch, many shippes, gallies and hullkes shall be lost, and the bloodie flixes shall kill many men, all things deare, save corne."
Kind of a dark prediction, but like any modern day horoscope, all the rest of the days of the week predicted other serious disasters and gloom and doom. They could all pretty much apply to any year! Anyway, much more entertaining than the weather channel I think. Okay, I can't resist. Here's a couple more relating to snow and winter.
"If the sun falls on the snow, there will be snow, and snow, and snow yet again."
"Corn is as comfortable under the snow as an old man in his fur coat." -Russian
What's your local weatherlore? Do you watch the animals? The sky or the wind?
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